Fifth edition of the "Robotics Research Jam Session" in Pisa

on Tuesday, 21 July 2015. Posted in News

The fifth edition of the "Robotics Research Jam Session" organized by Centro  "E. Piaggio" - University of Pisa with the Advanced Robotics Dept. of IIT will be held on July 21, 2015.



The programme is available here

Please register to the workshop before July 15 following this link.


9:30  Welcome and Introduction
Antonio Bicchi, Università di Pisa

9:45  Multi-contact interactions with humanoid robots: walking, grasping and balancing[Abstract]
Máximo RoaRobotics and Mechatronics Center, DLR, Munich, Germany

10:15  Danger field, safety field and other assessments: how to guarantee safe human-robot collaboration [Abstract]
Paolo Rocco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

10:45  Weak force percepetion [Abstract]
Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Università di S. Raffaele, Milano e Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia di Genova, Italy

11:15    Coffee Break

11:30  Vision-based control of humanoid robots [Abstract]
Marilena Vendittelli, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy

12:00  Title T.B.A.
Nikos Tsagarakis, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia di Genova, Italy

12:30  A Simple General-Purpose Balance Controller for Planar Robots [Abstract]
Roy Featherstone, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia di Genova, Italy

13:00    Lunch Break

14:00  Why Robots Should Smell! Environmental Monitoring with Robot Systems [Abstract]
Achim Lilienthal, Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS), Sweden

14:30  Motion Planning for Real World Robots [Abstract]
Kris Hauser, Duke University, USA

15:00  Robotic Systems to Enhance Surgical Performance and Safety [Abstract]
Darwin Caldwell, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia di Genova, Italy

15:30   Keep in touch with robots: robot skin technology
Giorgio Cannata, Università di Genova, Italy [Abstract]

16:00   Coffee Break  


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